Report on Jan. 29 council meeting and preview of Feb. 5 meeting

Hello Ward One neighbors,

At last week’s City Council meeting, the Council and mayor grappled with setting our priorities for the coming two years. This work will continue at the upcoming Council meeting on Wednesday Feb. 5th, when a Resolution on priorities is scheduled for a vote.

My focus in this process has been on (1) making it a priority to identify opportunities for enhanced efficiency* to reduce costs, and not only to focus on (also needed) revenues other than property taxes; (2) integrating sustainability into all programs (such as keeping affordable housing retrofits on the front burner); and (3) enhancing our inclusion of community organizations (like CASA and the Village of Takoma Park) in our actions so that City outreach embraces more residents.

One challenge is that the CM’s budget projection for FY 2026 shows us having a structural deficit of about $1.9 million, despite no new hires. A good deal of that cost increase is due to salary and benefit commitments under Union contracts, insurance, and inflation, but not all — and the devil is in the details.

Where do you see opportunities for efficiencies to reduce our spending? Where do we need to do more? I urge people to express their views about the City’s priorities: where would you like staff and dollars to be spent (or not spent)? Now is the time to let us know! The priorities will be finalized and voted on at our next meeting.

*We were urged during public comment, by Susan Katz Miller (Ward 3), to make sure we get a full accounting for where our ARPA funds went – and how those allocations changed over the course of time. An excellent idea.


News You Can Use:

Some Info/Resources for residents facing challenges due to the actions of the new Federal government administration:

A statement from Mayor Searcy re Takoma Park

Montgomery County

US Rep. (and Ward One neighbor) Jamie Raskin (Federal employees, LGBTQAI, immigrants)

CASA Hotline 888-214-6016 (English, Spanish, or French).

Mo Co Public Schools

Summer Camp: Takoma Park summer camp registration opens at noon on Feb. 19th, and Feb. 12th for scholarships. Go to the Rec Department’s website for more details.

Big Format City Maps available: I have available free copies of the large format City of Takoma Park street map, for anyone who would like one; email me, first come-first served. They are about 3’X4′. (Thanks to the City Clerk for sharing the extras.)

Chat with your Council Member – and get stuff repaired!  On Sunday February 2 (tomorrow!) I will be at the Fixit Clinic at the temporary library, 1750 NH Ave. (next to the IHOP) from 12:30 to 2:30.

 From 2:30 to 3:30 I will hold a Council Member Chat – so please come for both of these activities, and bring your broken small appliances and your library card!

Upcoming next councilmember coffee: If you can’t make it on February 2nd, mark your calendar for my next Councilmember Coffee, which will be on Saturday March 1 from 10:30 AM -12:00 PM in the café at the Montgomery College Nunley Student Center (‘ST’ on this map) — the rounded building on the corner where Fenton, New York and Chicago Avenues converge, with the pedestrian bridge projecting from its upper floor. The College has graciously allowed Ward One to meet at the café, so that we can get to know the College better (and vice versa).  

Any Volunteers? I am looking for Ward One residents with life or work experience, or specialized knowledge/expertise, willing to field questions on these subject areas: housing policy (especially affordable housing) and rent stabilization; municipal taxation and other funding (such as bonding and community banking); energy conservation/efficiency for buildings; electric vehicle developments in both vehicles and charging; stormwater and flooding avoidance and mitigation; local zoning.  If you are interested, please email me!



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