Hello Ward One Neighbors,
Summary: Last week the City Council (1) voted unanimously to renew a contract with Montgomery County for inspection of Tk Pk rental properties, (2) voted unanimously (with 1 recusal) to approve the use of grant funds to support the purchase of the Deauville @7520 Maple Avenue, a 110-unit rent-stabilized apartment community, which will help to keep it affordable and get it renovated. (The grant total, $405,000, is greatly supplemented by a $12 million investment from Montgomery County.) Finally, we (3) continued to refine a set of “Council Priorities” to guide our agenda– and staff work plans – for FY 2026 and 2027.
This Wed. March 5, the agenda includes Green Team and Library construction updates, a budget amendment (typically done several times per year to realign expenditures with changes in revenues and vice versa), and a minor parking ordinance change to enable safe egress from houses with limited frontage. We will also vote on various appointments to City committees and commissions.
Here is the Zoom link for public comments if you wish to speak virtually.
Deeper dive:
The Council is not 100% fully in alignment just yet on our priorities; the Mayor is trying to combine all Council comments into one consolidated draft (which we have not seen yet). This draft shows roughly where things stood last week. (As of this writing, the Council priorities discussion is not on the agenda for this week.)
Speaking of priorities, residents’ comments urged fiscal caution for FY 2026 because of the perilous state of employment and government revenues we face. They urged for postponement of new brick and mortar projects, including the partial close-in of the community center Atrium (currently planned to start in FY 26) and renovations at Public Works on Oswego Ave. (for which planning $ are being sought by our D20 legislators).
I agree that construction projects should be approached with great caution in FY 26 given the budget crises facing the State and County this year (as well as our structural deficit), and the uncertainty about our region’s economy. That said, critical repairs should not be postponed if doing so will cause bigger problems later or are making working conditions unsafe or uncomfortable for our very dedicated staff.
As we finalize priorities I will focus on making sure that rent stabilization continues to protect current residents, and will continue to advocate for adding to housing units by focusing on developing vacant and/or derelict parcels as well as adding accessory units (with appropriate safeguards).
Reminder: Your input sought on Accessory Dwelling Units: Let me know whether you think that we should incentivize building and licensing more such housing units (without creating any Airbnb incentives). I still would like to hear from you.
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Now some news you can use:
Budget: On Sunday the resident-sponsored budget forum at Piney Branch Elementary School drew 60-70 residents (plus the Mayor, myself and W3 and W6 Councilmembers). The presentation was very interesting; copies may be available from organizers.
Budget Forum – Sunday March 2
Many commenters made clear that they are looking for our City Council to be cautious in spending, while also taking an interest in spurring new development that doesn’t harm our existing community, especially our most vulnerable residents. Council members and Mayor listened intently.
Upcoming Events:
What: Free Concert, organized by Takoma Park Arts
Where: The Community Center, 7500 Maple Avenue
When: Friday March 7 @ 7:30 PM:
Who: Eastern Standard Time, dubbed by the Washington Post as “one of Washington’s best bands,” the award-winning group combines their own original music with surprising covers, including songs by well-known Jamaican musicians such as the Wailers and jazz greats like Charlie Parker.
What: Fixit Clinic: Want to repair your broken stuff AND make a difference by keeping it out of the landfill? Then bring your small appliances, computers/devices, lamps, bikes, clothing/sewing, dull knives, broken furniture, etc. to the Friends of the Tk Pk MD Library’s FREE Fixit Clinic
Where: Temporary Library, 1250 NH Avenue (next to IHOP)
When: Sunday March 9, 12:30-2:30 PM
How: The clinic is free, but you must register so that repairers can prepare for your repair! Register here. Email questions to Fixittakoma@gmail.com